
Discover how High Impact can help you transform your life

You have the power...

See how others have already experienced it

Through the experience of walking on hot coals (Firewalking), glass (Glasswalking) or breaking arrows with your neck (Arrow breaking) you discover that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. You break your limiting beliefs forever and you get to experience that inner strength that we all have within us and that, over the years, we have sometimes forgotten is part of our essence.

These empowerment exercises are aimed at individuals and groups of companies that want to improve themselves, achieve their goals and believe without limits or barriers. The workshops are designed to create an impact that lasts over time beyond the completion of the training.

Do you dare to face all the challenges that come your way?

Our Workshops

Workshops for everyone

Come enjoy the most powerful transformation dynamics. These workshops ARE for you if:
  • You would like to grow personally and professionally
  • You are an entrepreneur who wants to overcome your fears
  • You are unemployed and looking for new professional goals
  • You have lost motivation and enthusiasm
  • You want to improve your life
  • Your team needs to increase their performance and/or motivation
  • You want to stop postponing that project over and over again
  • You believe in your potential
These workshops ARE NOT for you if:
  • You already know everything
  • You have nothing to learn
  • You are not afraid of anything
  • You get everything you want, when you want it and how you want it

Workshops for companies

We offer personalized workshops tailored to the needs of each group or company. To do this, we carry out prior work to analyze the reality and needs of the group with a meeting with those responsible for the project. Next, a personalized dossier is prepared based on the needs and objectives detected, and a program adjusted to them is presented, including the content of the workshop, its duration, a proposed date and a budget. Furthermore, if the need is detected and with the aim of preparing the workshop and following up on it, a personalized proposal for Executive or Team Coaching sessions is always offered, both before and after the workshop, as a complement to it. Some of the examples of Workshops for Companies are:
  • Leadership: «Workshop: Empowering the leader in you»
  • Teamwork: «Workshop: Together we can do more»
  • Motivation: «Workshop: Motivating You to Win»
  • Communication: «Workshop: How to communicate so that they understand you»
  • Time Management: «Workshop: How to take control of your life by learning to manage your time»

Do you need more info?