Individual Coaching Sessions with NLP
Do you want to make a change in your life?
Do you feel stuck with an issue that you want to resolve now?
Do you want to find a new approach that allows you to resolve a conflict in a close relationship?
Are you looking to reorient your life and achieve new goals?
You don't need to have a problem to attend a Coaching session. You just need to want to grow or move forward and find answers that transform your life.
MotivarT Coaching and People Training offers individual sessions where you can work on specific objectives over a period of time agreed between Coach and client in which we work together helping the client achieve them by overcoming fears and unblocking obstacles that prevent you from achieving your goals; changing habits; eliminating limiting beliefs.
Ask without obligation about our in-person or Skype Coaching sessions. Their duration is approximately 90 minutes and their frequency varies depending on the objective to be worked on.
We offer you a free first presentation and contact session. So that you can experience the power of Coaching for yourself and can begin your process without doubts.
«The secret of moving forward is to start» (Mark Twain)